Jason Benedict – entrepreneur, business strategist, author, missionary, theologian and international trainer
Dr. Jason Benedit is an entrepreneur, business strategist, author, missionary, theologian and international trainer. In the early years of their ministry in Africa Jason and his wife Kim directed an interdenominational Bible school that served a number of local African denominations. In the early 2000s, Jason facilitated the funding and establishment of a Christian primary school in Niger. He and Kimberly also developed a field-based missionary internship that is still being used by their missionary agency today.
In 2008, Jason became a strategist with the Regent University Center for Entrepreneurship (a university think tank) where he co-founded the center’s training-based business incubator model (the BDC model). They have founded 8 BDCs in 7 nations. In addition to his international missions work, Jason runs his own enterprise development-consulting firm. From 2009 – 2015 Jason worked in finance and investment banking and continues to consult the industry periodically.