From the Founder of Calcutta’s Agri-Horticultural Society (1820) — Baptist missionary WILLIAM CAREY
To the Father of India’s Green Revolution — (Lutheran) Nobel Laureate NORMAN BORLAUGH (1970)
Why are Indian farmer’s starving, protesting and committing suicides?
God meant man to live in a garden. Sin has sent him to starve in slums. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation from sin, and therefore, from the slums as well.
When God called Abraham to follow Him, HE promised Israel a “land flowing with milk and honey”. . . because . . . through his offspring God wanted to bless India with abundant life.
Has God fulfilled that promise?
Those who worship nature make themselves incapable of establishing their dominion over nature. Our fathers who worshipped river Ganges did not lack IQ. What they lacked was the Truth and spirituality that could not empower them to tame the mighty river to bring abundant life to north Indian peasants.
In 1845, four students, sitting under a humble Neem tree in Roorkee, became the nucleus of India’s first engineering college. Their willingness to disagree with their culture and harness the Ganges, birthed Thomason College. Today, it is famous as the Roorkee IIT (Indian Institute of Technology).
This is to invite you to two zoom lectures exploring the Bible’s history- altering impact upon Indian agriculture:
Part 1— On Thursday July 29 @ 9 pm (India Time):
Meeting ID: 899 2918 3268, Passcode: 140150
Part 2 — On Tuesday August 3 at 7:30 pm (India Time)
Zoom ID: 723 593 3799; Password: Psalm 2306
The Buddha’s First Noble Truth is empirically verifiable: “Life is suffering.”
If life is intrinsically suffering, if inflicting suffering is God’s will (“Insha Allah”), or if a specific suffering is caused by one’s bad karma in previous lives, then perhaps fatalism, pessimism, or escapism is the only sane response. For then there is little one can do about suffering, except show some Karuna (compassion). . . . A life-long commitment to transform a nation from chronic, subsistence-living is a foolish fight against fate.
BUT WHAT if this world of suffering is not God’s intention but a consequence of human sin?
What if the Savior bore humanity’s sin upon Himself when He suffered on the cross to save us?
What if He conquered death to give us abundant life?
What if the resurrected Savior is making all things new — a new humanity, a new heaven and a new earth?
What if He invites us to take up His yoke upon our shoulders and become His partners in the divine mission to transform India into a great nation?
In that case, there is much wisdom in trusting and obeying him.
In the two forthcoming lectures we will look at a few of those great men who believed and obeyed God’s word, and succeeded in creating the modern India that we cherish.
The lectures will also consider the colossal problems that Pandit Nehru’s Socialist “land reforms” created for small farmers . . . and why crony capitalism, currently popular, is incapable of solving those problems. For politicians cannot solve the problems that they have created.
The body of Christ, revived by God’s Holy Spirit, is the only force that can put India back on the path to greatness.
Therefore, in addition to the two lectures mentioned above, I also invite you to please zoom with us (for weekly) Wednesday July 28th (9 am Pacific Time; 8.30 pm India Time) to pray for the “Third Education Revolution”:
Meeting ID: 812 8522 1409; Passcode: 054522
After an hour or so of prayer, we take about 30 minutes to get to know first-time visitors and discuss matters that concern the education revolution.
[Sam Higginbottom’s book “The Gospel and the Plow” is available from < > the organizer of Thursday’s lecture series, “How The Bible Created Modern India.”